SAP OOP's Interview Questions

  1. Difference between Local Class and Global Class ? 
  2. What are the Advantages of OOABAP in SAP Development environment ?
  3. Difference between OOABAP and other Programming Languages ?
  4. What is the Transaction code for Global and Global Interfaces ?
  5. Difference between Implicit Objects and Explicit Objects ?
  6. What are the Examples of Implicit objects ?
  7. What is Final Class ?
  8. What is Final Method ?
  9. What is the use of Creating Final Class ?
  10. What is the use of Creating Final Method ?
  11. What is Friend Class ? When we use Friend Class ?
  12. How to Stop/Restrict Inheritance in OOABAP ?
  13. How to Stop/Restrict Polymorphism in OOABAP ?
  14. What is Inheritance ?
  15. What are the types of Inheritance ?
  16. What is single Inheritance and Multi-Level Inheritance in OOABAP ?
  17. Can we have Multiple Inheritance in OOABAP ?
  18. Can we have Multiple Super Classes for one SubClass in OOABAP ?
  19. What is Inheritance Hierarchy ?
  20. Difference between Abstract Class and Interface ?
  21. What is the similarity between Abstract class and Interface ?
  22. What is the use of Abstract Class ?
  23. What is the use of an Interface ?
  24. What is the purpose of creating Aliases ?
  25. What is Abstract method ? When we create Abtract Method ?
  26. What should be the visibility of Abstract Methods in Abstract class ?
  27. What should be the visibility of methods in an Interface ?
  28. What is the use of Constructor ?
  29. What are the types of Constructors ?
  30. Difference between Static Constructor and Instance Constructor ?
  31. What is the purpose of Destructor ?
  32. What is the Use of "REDEFINITION" keyword ?
  33. What is the use of "SUPER" keyword ?
  34. In Which situation we use "REDEFINITION" keyword ?
  35. In Which situation we use "SUPER" keyword ?
  36. Can we make Sub class as Super Class or not ?
  37. What is the Difference between "Method" and "Constructor" ?
  38. What are the various parameters we use for Method in OOABAP ?
  39. Can we create method to have multiple return type Parameters ? How ?
  40. Can we restrict a method to have only single return type parameter ? How ?
  41. In how many ways we can call "Instance method" in OOABAP ?
  42. In how many ways we can call "static method" in OOABAP ?
  43. Can we access instance attributes from Static constructor ?
  44. What is Type Casting ?
  45. How many types of TYpe Casting Exists in OOABAP ?
  46. Difference between Narrow Casting And Wide Casting in OOABAP ?
  47. Difference between UPCasting and Downcasting in OOABAP ?
  48. Can we Implement Multiple Interfaces in single Class ?
  49. How to achieve Multiple Inheritance in OOABAP ?
  50. What is Polymorphism ?
  51. What are the Various techniques used to Achieve Polymorphism ?
  52. What is Method Overloading and Method Overriding ?
  53. Can we use Method Overloading in OOAABAP ?
  54. How to Achieve Polymorhism in OOABAP ?
  55. What is the difference between CLASS , OBJECT and INTERFACE ?
  56. Can we create an Object for Abstract Class ? If No, Why ?
  57. Can we create an Object for Interface ? If No, Why ?
  58. What are Concrete methods in OOABAP ?
  59. What are Non-Concrete methods in OOABAP ?
  60. For What type of Classes we create an Object in OOABAP ?
  61. Can we create an Object for Final Class ? 
  62. Can we Override the Final Method in OOABAP ?
  63. What are Exceptions ?
  64. How to Handle Exceptions in OOABAP ?
  65. Difference between Design Time errors and Runtime Errors in OOABAP ?
  66. What is the use of TRY-CATCH Blocks in OOABAP ?
  67. Can we have Multiple Catch Blocks in OOABAP ?
  68. Can we define Abstract Methods in Private section? If No, Why ?
  69.  Can we define Interface Methods in Private section or Protected section? If No, Why?
  70. Difference between "Returning Parameter" and "Exporting Parameter" ?
  71. How to call method if method contains Importing parameters and Exporting parameters" ?
  72. How to call method if method contains Importing parameters and Returning  parameters" ?
  73. In which situation we use "Receiving Parameter" in method call ?
  74. Can we have Exporting Parameters in Constructor definition ?
  75. Can we have Importing Parameters in Constructor definition ?
  76. What are CLASS Attributes or CLASS Variables? Static attributes are also called as Class variables?
  77. What are CLASS Methods ? Static Methods are also called as CLASS Methods ?
  78. What is singleton Class ?
  79. Can we access Protected section Methods of Se24 class in WebDynpro ABAP ?
  80. What are the various components of a Class ?
  81. Can we Design ABAP Interactive Reports using OOABAP  ? How ?
  82. Can we access Static methods of class without creating Object or not ? If Yes , How ?
  83. Can Contructor return values ?
  84. What are the main features of OOABAP ?
  85. What is the Use Of "ME" keyword ? It's a Self Reference.What is the use of ?= ( Type cast operator ) in OOABAP ?
  86. Can we Inherit Final class in Sub class or not ?
  87. Can we Call Constructor explictly?
  88. What is the difference between "Public section" , "Protected Section" & "Private  Section"?
  89. Difference between procedural oriented and object oriented approach.
  90. Advantages and use of Object oriented concept related to ABAP.
  91. Different features of OO ABAP.
  92. Analysis of OO ABAP related to development work.
  93. Brief description about Class and objects.
  94. Description about types of class.
  95. Idea about attribute visibility mode and access specifier.
  96. Idea for class visibility.
  97. Brief description for reference data object .
  98. Details about interface, abstract class, final class, friend class , deferred class, load class.
  99. A brief idea about local and global (class , interface ).
  100. Idea for object and interface reference.
  101. Different method calling procedure(static,dynamic) in OO ABAP.
  102. Idea about constructor in OO ABAP.
  103. A brief description about Events and their use in a class.
  104. Use of super keyword.
  105. Concept of overriding.
  106. Concept for static and non-static related to (attributes , events, constructor).
  107. Description about ME refrence.
  108. Idea about parameters type related to ( methods , constructor , events ).
  109. Details of inheritance mechanisim in OO ABAP.
  110. A brief Concept of narrow and widening casting related to OO ABAP with suitable real time examples.
  111. The handling mechnisim for class(friend,final,abstract), interface, events, constructor, methods ,inheritance ,data objects related to SE24 TCODE.
  112. Mechanisim for exceptional handling concept related to OO ABAP.
  113. Class hierarchy details for exceptional handling.
  114. A brief idea about RTTS , RTTI , RTTC mechanisim related to OO ABAP.
  115. Brief idea about transient data object and persistence data object.
  116. A brief description about Test class and Persistence class.
  117. A brief description about Pseudo-code comment( Risk level and Duration)and handling mechanisim.
  118. Mechanisim of unit testing for methods using test class.
  119. Creation mechanisim for test class and persistence class.
  120. Description about different mechanisim(Business key,GUID) to create a persistence class .
  121. A brief description about standard classes cl_gui_container,cl_gui_custom_container,cl_gui_docking_container,cl_gui_splitter_container,cl_gui_easysplitter_container.


  1. please provide answers for these questions....

  2. Nice work. Covered all questions related to oops concepts :)


  3. Great Blog Thanks.

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